Merry Go-Round
“Merry Go-Round” is an 9.5×9.5-inch acrylic painting on reclaimed wood panel created in 2024. This piece depicts a woman with cars of a Ferris Wheel tied to the ends of her hair, concealing her face. This piece combines the use of muted and vibrant tones and invites the viewer to infer its meaning. This piece is available for delivery nationwide or local pick up in the Pittsburgh area.
“Merry Go-Round” is an 9.5×9.5-inch acrylic painting on reclaimed wood panel created in 2024. This piece depicts a woman with cars of a Ferris Wheel tied to the ends of her hair, concealing her face. This piece combines the use of muted and vibrant tones and invites the viewer to infer its meaning. This piece is available for delivery nationwide or local pick up in the Pittsburgh area.
“Merry Go-Round” is an 9.5×9.5-inch acrylic painting on reclaimed wood panel created in 2024. This piece depicts a woman with cars of a Ferris Wheel tied to the ends of her hair, concealing her face. This piece combines the use of muted and vibrant tones and invites the viewer to infer its meaning. This piece is available for delivery nationwide or local pick up in the Pittsburgh area.